There are lots of possibilities like you made a new page, new URLs but do not want to delete old page as its links are placed at various places, and the content of new and old pages are same, the same page you want to show on your various website like FAQs, Privacy Policy, Terms and Condition, About the Company etc, those are really for the user only and useful after he/she reached at your website, hence better to use no follow and no index tags at all the other website , and keep one copy free from these tags.
One more thing, why you will use No Index/No Follow tags inside the body content, there are few good reasons, you do not want to loose your page's PR juice, and might be there are some kind of calender that is to be useless for google to follow, but the reason of no index is little bit diffident suppose there is some warning or a message that is very useful for each product that your site is selling, but if you place it then it will be consider as duplicate, there is one more reason I.e you can use java script, but for this you need to take a small help of developer or designer, while if you have static HTML site then better option is you can use and then this will inform to google to escape this part inside your body content, I hope there might be lots of situation when we need help of this code instead of java script.
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