Sunday 25 December 2016

Google Algorithm for SEO Part 1 (from 2000 to 2004)

The algorithm update history starts from year 2000, when I was just started my career in Internet marketing, when I listen about this, this was really a big deal by Google, because Google launched its toolbar, means in other words we  can say Google introduced a new concept other then back links, it was page rank, it is really an amazing invention by Google, because as Google introduced the backlins concept a lot of SEO organization started link building for a particular site, they hired a team only to build links for the site.

So many times, i think that what happens so that google is changing their algorithms so frequently, is google not able to understand where is problem, identity it and make it fixed in one time, but google can's, every 1 or 2 months we see that google made some new update in algo, why ! Why !! Why!!!

The answer of this question is creativity of SEO people around the world, as Google made any change in their algo, SEOs of the world find-out the other way to promote their website, like if google.

As I remember 1st very popular update of Google was done in year 2003, probably in November and they given it name Florida, the cause of this update was bulk link building creation for websites, and google was not able to understand that how this possible, that sudden a website gain more than 1000 of links .

And in early 2004, when everyone was enjoying the new year, in January, google placed one more update in their algorithm that was Austin, experts were saying that it was the top up plan of the Florida Update, as on that time so many sites was added too much keywords in their content and meta tags, that Google wants to discourage.

And Before the international lovers festival, means before the valentine day, they placed one more update called Brandy, as it is not the keywords proximity in the content, and really this was very interesting for all the SEOs around the world, means before this everyone was keen to make page keyword rich, but after this update, SEOs were started focus on the intelligent use of the keywords on page.

Now I want to make you a little aware about the previous updates, in year 2000 Google launched tool bar to see the page rank and you can see the common raking of all the data center of world wide of Google.

In Year 2002, Google shared a new concept that is called Google dance, this is nothing just a showcase where you can check the ranking of a website for particular keyword on various data centers of google and can estimate upcoming fall.

Specialist in SEO Services Delhi, India

Sunday 13 November 2016

Effect of Possum algorithm update on your local business listing in India

In India, most of the SEO companies or Business owners not takes local listing very serious in terms of content, website, address and phone numbers, they thinks 'take it easy yaar' 'chill mar', it is local listing, less competition we will bring it again by another name, email, phone number etc.

But Really google is not think it is a take it easy type work, Google is very serious about this service, so before some year ago it given star rating functionality and then review posting by the users those taken services.

But the question is that how much business owner and online marketing person taken it serious and honestly, they submitted more then 2 entries with same mobile number or phone number and also used same website, while google gave facility  to register your franchisees with address and if you have same helpline number than inform to Google about this and they will review and approve it

But due to these so many duplicate entries so many real listing not came on the 1st page or top listing, they started reporting to google about the wrong entries, address, duplicate phone numbers on various  entries, after getting so many reports google taken these issues seriously and started filtering of the duplicate data, like same phone numbers on more than entries or same website on various address.

Google is manually checking listing related with phone numbers and website, and filtering wrong, incomplete or duplicate entries, and this is a part of google algorithm update that is POSSUM algorithm update.

Now you can ask why its name they had taken POSSUM, so here i would like to share my knowledge about this word, as per the dictionary "a small marsupial found in Australia and New Zealand that lives in trees and has thick fur and a long nose and tail", so for local listing this animal is very suitable, because this animal and visit all their local area to understand the local area. 

Specialist in SEO Services Delhi, India

Sunday 9 October 2016

which one is better for SEO bold or strong tag

Before a few days ago i gone for a meeting, the meeting is in between a company and thier client, the company was doing their website designing development and SEO work.

The company used strong tags on all over the website where required to highlight the keyterms and when i started discussion with the SEO and development person about the H1 tag and other tags then they understand i was pointing out strong tags.

They really surprised and asked me what is the difference in these both tags, as their functions are same for the user, I understand that they are really not familiar witht the Google visit index and cache hence they are saying these words, but they are ready to understand my logic.

And really I was not in mood to explain them theory of search engine , Google and SEO, so I open two pages of different sites where one site used bold tag while other one used strong tags, for user both sites are same, but when i check indexed version of both sites content under bold tag was bold visible to Google too while strong is shown very normal text to Google.

That's the points that I was actually wanted to explain them, and I think this practical approach make them more understandble them  then a theory class.

My task was completed there.

Specialist in SEO Services Delhi, India

Saturday 23 July 2016

How to optimize landing page for visitor

Hi my Friends,

The landing page of a site is changed as per the search term, or we can say as per the keywords, might be your single page become landing page for various keywords, and it is also possible that more than one pages become landing page for a single keyword.

So the question is come, how we optimize for a visitor, but before that let me explain who is your visitor, your visitor is not your competitor, as so many times your competitors also come to your site to check what you are doing with pages, how you are optimizing, and what on page changing your doing.

Here I going to take some cases, like if you are selling product, providing services or giving only information, then how you optimize your landing:

Case 1:- Product selling site landing page

I hope all of you are aware with the eCommerce sites, their landing page where they placed products, category page where they place all type of individual products related with that category, so what should be special required there, the special required to make your landing page more user friendly, like the page of product must have:

  • Bullet points about the products
  • What you are giving with product
  • Price
  • Delivery time
  • Return process
  • Warranty if your giving
  • Compare button with price 
  • High image resolution of the product
  • Buy Button, checkout, add to cart are mandatory buttons
  • Complete product detail in a paragraph for search engine
  • For category, give shorting options by Brand, Price, Arrival, Most searchable, category page also needs s a good keyword rich paragraph in the bottom of all listing for the search engine 
Case 2:- Service site landing page

When we are talking about the service, we want to explain how well we are doing this job and how important this work for you, and what type of technology and process we are using, these all the points we can explain in paragraphs, but under sub heading, because sub-heading give more value to your content.

But in the product selling landing page, in which we share our important points and benefits for the user, also give names of your team members with their brief introduction, and testimonials with their project synopsis, this will generate a trust to user.

Case 3:- Information site landing page

Information means, information that a user wants, check wikipedia page, they divide all the information in headings, and one table gives in which all the important information, because so many times, people wants to know one lines of history, that is somewhere in the content, but if we place all the important things in points, that will very helpful for the visitor, this is the basic, that every SEO should know. 

Specialist in SEO Services Delhi, India