Friday 28 February 2020

Why Your Business Needs a Business Growth Adviser

I think this was a very new word for me before 2 months, but when I met a person who introduce himself as "Business Growth Adviser",  then I was really very surprised that what is this profile, but the name is very impressive and impact-full, so I invested my 90 to 100 minutes with a long and deep discussion with him for various aspects and prospects of Business and its growth.

After a long discussion, I found that business is not only sales, but it is combination of Sale, Projects, Delivery, Human Resource handling, task assignment and completion with timelines.

Apart from this, this person keep a business owner active throughout the day, week and month, for every project, every client and even for every employee.

Now I have collected some points on which a Business Growth Adviser keep their very keen views and observation.

1. Keep you active and focused.
As a business owners so many times we think that everything is going well and never think that in the fast moving world it is really not a very time taking process to get pulled off track. Here A growth advisor keeps you active in your field, share you market trends/research and keen you focused on the more critical aspects that directly influence your business growth.

2. Provide external support and business structure.
When I was running my business in year 2016 than I was thinking that doing a business very easy and we can earn a lot of money, while within a year I realized that growing a business can be a lonely endeavor if you not have external support of market experts. Hence, a growth adviser or we can say mentor, worth their weight in salt, helps you employ growth metrics to measure your headway. The numbers never lie. They tell you whether you're growing or not growing. No guessing needed.

3. Offer you their expertise.
A business growth adviser spent a lot of time in the market trends, ups and downs, requirement, reason of boom and reason of slowdown or out of market, So a skilled growth advisers offer business expertise and knowledge about growth strategies and business development. This falls under the "two heads are better than one" scenario. Your ability to leverage additional business acumen lets you skillfully maneuver the curves and bends along the business growth road.

4. Propose insight.
Many times you're too close to your own situation to clearly see what's working or what's not. An extra pair of ears and eyes helps heightens awareness and keeps you hip to where to put your energy, focus, and effort.

5. Deliver guidance.
A good growth mentor or advisor provides guidance on growth strategies, key activities, and potential roadblocks. They make available analytical intelligence to make sure you're equipped to make smart, strategic decisions.

Finally, A business growth advisor is your well wisher who keep you updated abut the market trends, demand, you can call them mentor who can advice you time to time what to do and what not to do and support you in the digital marketing to bring best clients from all over the world.

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